Open Arms & Hearts!

We'd love for you to join us for Sunday Worship & Fellowship.
The first Sunday of every month we share soup and bread. Come hungry!

Join Us for Worship

Our true hope and desire is that as you spend time in our church you will feel God’s grace and love in your life.

The Basics of Our Worship

Worship is central to our life together at the Hill Church. In corporate worship, our faith community:

Rooted in the traditional Service for the Lord’s Day, worship at the Hill Church is both Reformed and grounded in the historic church. While treasuring the classical liturgies and musical forms; we embrace new forms and music that have Scriptural, doctrinal, and musical integrity.


Each Sunday we have a variety of musical expressions for worship and they include:


Our morning messages consist of a children’s message, where all children are welcome to come to the front of the sanctuary and be taught by Pastor Jim O’Connell, and a sermon for all ages. All messages are centered on biblical themes, and relevant and practical today’s concerns. Our weekly messages can be interactive with questions and also include audio and visual displays as well.


Communion is served the first Sunday of each month and also on special occasions throughout the liturgical year. You do not need to be a church member to take communion. All those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior are welcomed to participate in communion.

Children In Worship

We welcome and encourage children to be a part of our weekly worship services. We know that children can be fidgety and make noises but we view all these as more ways to praise God on a Sunday. 


Sundays @ 10am
