The Season of Lent begins Ash Wednesday which this year will be on Wednesday March 5th.
We are in the midst of planning another Lenten Series of services with other Reformed Churches
in the Hudson Valley. Our tentative plans are to host the Series kick-off on the evening of Ash
Wednesday at 7PM on the 5th. We plan to keep with previous year’s Ash Wednesday services by
not having soup and sandwiches prior to but following the service, we’ll enjoy light deserts and fellowship.
The remaining Lenten services are held over the following six Sunday evenings in Lent with a light dinner
served at 5PM followed by the Lenten service at 6PM. Although not yet determined at the time of this writing, we hope to host a Sunday evening service in the series. I’m certain there will be more information
forth coming on this so keep an eye out for this year’s Lenten Series Brochures.