Global Missions – 2025

Our global missions happen through financial giving, local projects sent out globally, and short term experiences in mission groups.

Throughout the year there are many opportunities to get involved and a variety of projects to get connected with. There are two main

types of global missions to get involved in: @ home projects and short term mission trips.

Ministry to Help the Ukrainian Refugees

The Milicz Foundation is a civic organization in a rural area of Poland. Early in the war it made the commitment to help Ukrainians who fled their country by offering a place to stay and to provide provisions. FRC participated in a huge initial group shipment of medical and other goods (through St. Andrews Ukrainian Church in Campbell Hall), has sent an additional 44 boxes of supplies, and has provide monetary donations to cover toys and activities for children, sneakers and school supplies.

Dorcas Ministries camp (Reformed Church) is located in Eastern Hungary and has transformed their summer camping cabins to serve as temporary small living units for families (largely Roma) who have no other place to go. Their mission is not only to provide for the families while they are in the camp, but also to equip them to become self-­‐supporting residents in that area of Hungary. To date we have provided them supplies to do children‘s art-­‐therapy activities.  Érd Baptist Church is located on the outskirts of Budapest. Small in size but big in heart, they have 5 shipping containers on their property which have been converted to be small housing units, a kitchen, a supplies storage area, and a shared bathroom/shower facility. This church helps refugees complete paperwork and make arrangements to move on to their next location, as well as supplying them with what they need along the way. 

Zápszony Baptist Church is located on the Western Ukraine/Eastern Hungary border. Many Ukrainians who had to leave their homes but did not want to leave Ukraine clustered there mostly women and children. FRC has been helping the church by providing funds to care for these people. 

Home Projects:

Operation Christmas Child:  has been a long standing ministry of our church and this ministry is through the global

ministry of the Samaritans purse. Each November shoe boxes of needed supplies are collected and then sent throughout

the World (Including the U.S.) to children living in poverty. Information regarding Operation Christmas Child is handed

out in Sunday School classes in October and can be found on the table in the back of the church. This year the Youth Group

will be spearheading this ministry.

Team Leader: Carol Ann Freeman

Hearts for Hungary:

Hearts for Hungary is First Reformed Church’s global mission to the country of Hungary.  It exists to meet the needs

identified by missionaries, the Hungarian Church and state social workers.  Its varied work includes working with orphaned,

refugee and disabled children; teaching English on behalf of the Hungarian Church; and worshiping as brothers and sisters with

the gypsy community.  It is also in partnership with GoodSports International, assisting them with their Baseball outreach

programs in small villages in Eastern Hungary.

You can help with the work of Hearts for Hungary through donating supplies (such as used baseball equipment) to the children’s programs,

and through financial donations.  There are also opportunities to go to Hungary through one of the Short-Term Experiences in Mission

[S.T.E.M., see below]

Contact: Carol Ann Freeman (Founder & Ministry Partner to Hungary)