The consistory (leadership team) is the governing body of the church and is made up of the pastor, elders, deacons, treasurer & clerk. The consistory is in charge of the general running of the church and meets the third Thursday of each month.
The Pastor: Rev. James O’Connell serves as president of the consistory and is in charge of running the meetings.
Elders: A ministry of spiritual oversight of the church focusing on oversight of the pastor, preaching, the sacraments, and church discipline.
The Elders are: Susan Kennedy-Vice President, Bunnie Reichle-Clerk of Consistory, Joe Weikel- Spiritual Formation Leader and John Harrington
Deacon: A ministry of mercy and service focusing on the care of the sick, poor, shut-ins and the physical properties of the church.
The Deacons are: Diane Crist and Jan Goutell , Co-chairs, and Jerry Hanen
Treasurer: Susan Kennedy is in charge of all the church accounts, payroll, bills, and balance sheets. Also, the treasurer is the primary financial resource for the consistory.
Clerk: The clerk is responsible for taking minutes, keeping church records, compiling consistory agenda packets, and publishing the annual report.
Finance Team:
The finance team is in charge of all the monies of the church through supervision of the treasurer and financial secretary. They are charged to give financial advice and guidance to the consistory so that the consistory can make wise decisions for the church.
The ministries of Life Together are meant to connect us to each other and provide a place for care and support. At First Reformed there are many opportunities to share with each other throughout the week, including large, mid-sized, and small groups.
The purpose of the mission team is through financial support and personal involvement in local, regional and global mission efforts, we will be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need to fulfill the Great Commission of His grace.
Ministries: Benevolence/Deacon’s Fund, Hearts for Hungary, Montgomery Food Pantry, Operation Christmas Child, Backpack Snack Attack, S.T.E.M. Groups.
Team Members: Carol Ann Freeman, Angel & Lucy Santana, Susan Kennedy, and many other community volunteers.
The property team is in charge of maintenance and upkeep of all the church properties and oversees the church sexton. All renovations of the church properties are supervised by this team.
Our Goal: To help each individual to unlock the Holy in their lives and to discover who God is, who God has made them to be, and the ministry God is calling them to participate in. Spiritual formation is a lifelong journey of discovering God, God’s world, and who God has made you to be. Each person is called to live a life in God’s presence and Christian community, and to be transformed by God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Ministries: Sunday School: One Room School House, Multi-generational class, and Upper Room class. Home study: Refrigerator devotions, and seasonal devotions. VBS: Our Summer program for children.
Team Leaders: Joe Weikel is in charge of running meetings, equipping teachers & leaders, and overseeing other team members’ work.
Team Members: Bunnie Reichle and Carol Ann Freeman
The worship team is in charge of working with the pastor to plan the overall worship time. This includes music, liturgy, preaching, communion, baptisms, ushers, greeters, and nursery.
Team Leader: Joe Weikel is in charge of running meetings and scheduling greeters.
Choir Director: Bunnie Reichle is in charge of leading the choir with music selection, running rehearsals, general planning, and directing choirs on Sundays.
Organist: Please reach out to the Worship Team if you are interested.
President: Rev. James O’Connell is in charge of setting worship themes and sermon topics, guiding liturgist, and scheduling pulpit supply.
Praise Team: Joe Weikel is in charge of leading the team.
Team Members: Bunnie Reichle, Phil Goutell, Jan Goutell, and Bill Freeman